Can We Raise Our Kids “Gratefully?”

Can We Raise Our Kids “Gratefully?”

A few weeks ago we took the kids whale watching. The boat had barely pulled out of the dock and the boys were so animated pointing to all the things they could see. “Look a buoy!” “Look a pelican!” They were just so excited to be on a boat and see anything. This man...
I Prefer a Dull Moment

I Prefer a Dull Moment

That expression “Never a Dull Moment” certainly seems to apply to my life over the past several years. My husband travels frequently for work and it seems like if something can go wrong while he is away–it does! Yesterday he was in Connecticut and his flight was...
Sometimes a Snowflake is More than Just a Snowflake

Sometimes a Snowflake is More than Just a Snowflake

My five year old kept asking me to make snowflakes to hang from our curtain rod over our kitchen window. After a year we still do not have curtains there and it does look bare. I kept putting it off. Finally, we had lunch, I put my little one down for his nap and I...