Let’s face it, our Sensitive kids need a little more TLC and support than others do (although I personally think every child is sensitive in his/her own way). These posts are meant to support and enjoy our little ones as we attempt to nurture them into adulthood.
“Help! My Son’s Friend Is Being Mean” – Mindful Tips for Preteens and Teenagers That Every Parent Should Know
This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info. When my 12-year old was having some challenges with one of his friends, he and I took to google to try to find information on how to handle it. We saw many parents had...
Redefining what it means to be “Strong” for Boys
Redefining what it means to be "Strong" for Boys When I first had my sons, I had this preconceived notion of what it meant to be strong. I thought it was falling down and not crying, not really needing to discuss emotions, being really assertive in sports,...
Supporting My Sensitive Sons Does NOT Make Them Wimpy (nor is it easy!)
I think it can make people really uncomfortable when kids cry. They fall, hurt themselves and the first thing we yell is “you’re okay!” We don’t know if they are okay or not but they are crying in public, sometimes loudly, and should they be? Does that mean they are...
10 Tips to Support Your Sensitive Child Today
Now that I'm aware I have sensitive children (one HIGHLY sensitive), I can recognize it in other kids and want to share the tools that have really helped me to honor their sensitivities and see it as the gift that it is, rather than the disruptive force...
The Best Parenting Advice I Ever Received Was the Simplest
Before we figured out my son's sensitivity to dyes (see our story here) and a better way to parent him, I was at the end of my rope. He was three and most days defiant from morning until night. Every day was a power struggle between us. Each night I would look up...
Let’s also face it that being a parent of sensitive children is no picnic! It’s an all day, every day, humbling, catch-you-off-guard, drive you to the brink of sanity, kind of parenting. Which of course, would we have it any other way?
Why Being a “Mompreneur” Isn’t Actually a Good Thing
I tried to keep it all neat and tidy, I really did. I work from home during school hours and then put on my “Mom” hat at 2:00 p.m. But of course, life happens and nothing about parenting is neat and tidy. There are sick days, calls from the nurse’s office...
Is the School System Supporting Our Kids or Failing Them?
I’ve been noticing millennials increasingly voicing that the college/university system isn’t working for them. They are graduating with large debts, high interest rates, low paying entry level jobs that provide marginal increases (see The Impact Of Student...
My Daughter Is Not Going to College and I’m Proud of Her
In all the years I’ve had a Facebook account, I haven’t seen a proud parent post around this time of year that their High School graduate son or daughter isn’t going to college. So in the spirit of rebelling against the system, I am going to be the first....
Ugh…The Moment I Realized I Was Trying to Get My Son to Go Against Who He Is too Be “Cool”
My seven year old loves a birthday party more than anyone I know. Yes I know all kids love to celebrate their birthdays but in the past he would barely sleep the month before to the point where we were thinking "this kid just cannot handle a party." Even if it's just...
BEing with Uncomfortable Feelings
On our way out the door for the last day of preschool, my four-year old started crying and saying that he did not want there to be a last day. He apparently loved school so much he thought he could keep it from ending if he refused to go. I had no idea what to do....
Sometimes a Snowflake is More than Just a Snowflake
My five year old kept asking me to make snowflakes to hang from our curtain rod over our kitchen window. After a year we still do not have curtains there and it does look bare. I kept putting it off. Finally, we had lunch, I put my little one down for his nap and I...