Quiet Minds in Delightfully Noisy Lives…

Welcome to Mind Over Messy

Welcome! Our modern lives can be so hectic and it takes extra effort to be really present and mindful in the messiness of everyday life. This site is dedicated to making mindful living easier.

Whether you are looking for shortcuts to clean eating, tips for mindful parenting, the best natural products and even family adventures – we’ve got you covered. Read more…



The Best Way to Save Money on Organic Fruits and Veggies!

The Best Way to Save Money on Organic Fruits and Veggies!

How to use strategy and mindfulness to save on your organic produce budget. The easiest way to save money on organic produce is to simply stop buying it. I know that doesn’t sound helpful if you are wanting to limit your...

Why Being a “Mompreneur” Isn’t Actually a Good Thing

Why Being a “Mompreneur” Isn’t Actually a Good Thing

I tried to keep it all neat and tidy, I really did. I work from home during school hours and then put on my “Mom” hat at 2:00 p.m. But of course, life happens and nothing about parenting is neat and tidy. There are sick days, calls from the nurse’s office...

DIY Screen Slaver Costume from the Incredibles 2

DIY Screen Slaver Costume from the Incredibles 2

DIY Screen Slaver Costume from Incredibles 2 This post contains affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for more info. I seriously thought my costume making days were over. Last year my boys both found store bought costumes and I thought I'd retired my...

DIY Cat in the Hat Costume – in a Pinch!

DIY Cat in the Hat Costume – in a Pinch!

On a Friday night my son mentioned he was going to be The Cat in the Hat for his school book report on Tuesday. Now, I knew a book report was coming, but he had planned to wear his old Ninjango costume for it so I hadn't planned on doing...

What Illusionist Adam Trent Said That Made Me Cry

What Illusionist Adam Trent Said That Made Me Cry

This summer we saw Illusionist Adam Trent at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts. If you haven’t been there it’s a huge venue and it was pretty crowded for a “magic show.” The show itself was entertaining, especially for my boys ages 8 and 10. BUT as a parent, this...

Top 5 Surfing and Yoga Retreat Destinations (We’re Dying to See!)

Top 5 Surfing and Yoga Retreat Destinations (We’re Dying to See!)

Emily from retreathub has done the work for you to know where to host your next yoga/surf retreat and why in the world you would combine the two! Surfing and yoga as a pair has been growing in popularity for many years and for good reason. Yoga and surfing are both...

The Time My Departed Mom Popped into Yoga

The Time My Departed Mom Popped into Yoga

I don’t think anyone was more surprised than I was when my Mom popped into my head in yoga shouting, “It wasn’t sad!” “It wasn’t sad!” I had known she was still around. I had known I could sometimes feel her presence. I had been to a medium and had it...

Is the School System Supporting Our Kids or Failing Them?

Is the School System Supporting Our Kids or Failing Them?

I’ve been noticing millennials increasingly voicing that the college/university system isn’t working for them. They are graduating with large debts, high interest rates, low paying entry level jobs that provide marginal increases (see The Impact Of Student...

My Daughter Is Not Going to College and I’m Proud of Her

My Daughter Is Not Going to College and I’m Proud of Her

In all the years I’ve had a Facebook account, I haven’t seen a proud parent post around this time of year that their High School graduate son or daughter isn’t going to college. So in the spirit of rebelling against the system, I am going to be the first....

DIY Father’s Day Gifts That Are Super Cute & Easy

DIY Father’s Day Gifts That Are Super Cute & Easy

These are adorable and easy DIY gift ideas for Dad. I don't know about your husband, but mine always says "Don't get me anything!" He says he already has everything he needs. But, who can resist adorable keepsakes which certainly you don't...